Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility CBD/Vape/Hemp Stores Available in Virginia! - 259347 AS | Col (Ret) Guillermo Birmingham CPA/CM&AA | Transworld Business Advisors

CBD/Vape/Hemp Stores Available in Virginia! - 259347 AS

Listing Number: 9525-259347


Step into a well-established and lucrative venture! These CBD/Vape/Hemp Stores have been generating consistent profits since 1999 and are now up for sale. With a skilled and capable staff along with efficient management in place, these stores can be seamlessly overseen by hands-on or hands-off ownership.

Strategically positioned in high-traffic zones near universities, these locations boast a reliable and devoted customer base. Staying at the forefront of the industry, these stores have proactively positioned themselves ahead of the curve as new regulations open doors for retail cannabis delivery. Notably, some of these prime locations, including one in Chesterfield, VA, fall under new zoning regulations that limit the issuance of licenses for new Vape/Tobacco businesses. This factor significantly enhances the value of the offering.

All financial records are meticulously maintained and readily available for eligible buyers. The inventory is separate from the asking price. Don't miss out on this exceptional prospect!

Listing Details

  • Price: $3,500,000
  • Down Payment: $3,500,000
  • Sellers Discretionary Earnings: $649,000
  • Total Sales: $4,365,448
  • Location: Henrico City, Virginia

  • Inventory: $1,000,000
  • FF&E: $0
  • Employees: 24
  • Reason for Selling: other interests
  • Category: Retail Miscellaneous
CBD/Vape/Hemp Stores Available in Virginia! - 259347 AS

Contact Agent:

Col (Ret) Guillermo Birmingham CPA/CM&AA
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