Aaron Fox, Managing Director Sells Physical Therapy Practice in Merrimack Valley

Physical Therapy Practice

Transworld Business Advisors of Boston, is pleased to recognize Managing Director, Aaron Fox on the sale of an established physical therapy practice in the Merrimack Valley. The therapy practice has over 15 years of history and a focus on rehabilitation services for individuals, families and athletes. Located in the North Boston suburbs this business serves clients from the North Shore, Merrimack Valley and greater Lowell regions of Massachusetts.

This physical therapy practice was sold to an international group looking to develop their brand and practice in Massachusetts. It is very exciting to see the re-imagined business starting to form in just days after the closing!

Like many business transactions, numerous obstacles were faced in getting this business to the closing table. Aaron  played a critical role in navigating many parts and relationships with lenders, lawyers, accountants, and appraisers to ensure a smooth and successful transaction!

With a track record of over 10,000 businesses sold over the past 40 years, Transworld is the nation’s leader in business sales. Transworld Business Advisors of Boston (www.tworldma.com) specializes in providing the crucial services needed to facilitate successful business sales, assisting owners and buyers throughout every step of the business sales process. 

Congratulations to both Aaron and his clients on the successful sale of their business and property.