I'm Ready to Sell, Where do I Start? Steps to Selling your Business

I'm Ready to Sell, Where do I Start? Steps to Selling your Business

 Business owners are like a diamonds—no two are alike. The same holds true for why a business owner opts to sell their business. Each business owners’ reason for selling varies and will be based on a variety of calculations from preparing for retirement to wanting to start a new venture. The process of deciding to sell can be difficult and drawn out. However, once the decision ha

How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business in Southern Ohio

How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business in Southern Ohio

From the pandemic’s supply chain issues to the current worries over rising inflation, many small businesses have been struggling to adapt to the sudden shifts of today’s economy. With inflation in June hitting 9.1%, more than the Dow Jones estimate of 8.8% for the month, more and more businesses are worrying about how exactly inflation has and will impact their business, and if now is