The Future of Business Brokerage: Emerging Trends and Opportunities

The Future of Business Brokerage: Emerging Trends and Opportunities

Business brokerage firms are integral when it comes to buying and selling a business. They facilitate the process by valuing businesses, identifying potential buyers or sellers, negotiating deals, and establishing legal and financial compliance throughout, ensuring that the process goes smoothly and provides the best value.  Staying updated with emerging business trends is crucial for busine

Evaluating Potential Buyers

Evaluating Potential Buyers

Thinking of selling your business? It’s a big decision, but it is a pivotal first step toward realizing the next step in your career, whether that means retirement or starting another venture. No doubt, you’ve spent considerable time weighing the pros and cons. Selling a business is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a keen understanding o

Understanding the Role of Technology in Modern Business Brokerage

Understanding the Role of Technology in Modern Business Brokerage

From the wheel to the steam engine to computers, technology continues to evolve and shift how we live our lives. The speed and power of computers have doubled about every two years over the last 60 years, which has enabled us to go from computers to go from weighing 30 tons and taking up 1,800 square feet of space to the world’s current smallest complete, operational computer that measu

How to Find the Best Advisor When Selling Your Business

How to Find the Best Advisor When Selling Your Business

Do-it-yourself home repairs have definitely had their moment in the sun. But for anyone that has paid attention to that trend, it quickly became apparent that having an expert remodel a home offered a considerable advantage in terms of the quality of the work. The same holds true when it comes to other big tasks, such as selling your business. Sure, no one knows the ins and outs of your business b

How to Choose the Best Deal for You and Your Business

How to Choose the Best Deal for You and Your Business

Anyone thinking of selling their business needs to be prepared to negotiate. Why? Because your goals and the buyer’s goals may be the same—to get the best deal—but that doesn’t mean the same thing for both parties. It will take time, and some give and take on both sides to arrive at an optimal deal for everyone involved. Ensuring that you are negotiating from a position of

Properly Package and Market Your Business

Properly Package and Market Your Business

How challenging can selling a business be? On the surface, the prospect appears simple. First, you have a business and want to sell it, then you share that information and wait for a buyer. But the reality is both more complicated and more nuanced. Using a broker takes the pressure off you so you can focus on your business operations.   Few business owners understand everything involved in

How to Find the Right Business Advisor to Partner With

How to Find the Right Business Advisor to Partner With

When it comes to running a successful business, having the right team of advisors by your side is crucial. But not all business advisors are created equal, and it can be difficult to know how to find the right one for your company. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the top qualities and qualifications that every reputable business advisor should have and show you how Transworld's team of adv

Why You Should Always Use a Business Broker to Help with Your Merger

Why You Should Always Use a Business Broker to Help with Your Merger

Business expansion is an incredible accomplishment for any entrepreneur. When merging or acquiring a business, it is important to have a good team behind the scenes. A deal of this magnitude can be incredibly daunting and even impossible – without the guidance of an industry expert. A business advisor from Transworld instructs, guides, mediates, and negotiates to ensure you get the best poss

The Real Value of Good Advice: How a Business Broker Guides You to a Successful Business Sale

How a Business Broker Guides You to a Successful Business Sale

Studies have shown that 90% of business owners will fail to sell their businesses on their own. This is because selling a business is complicated. From prepping for the sale to considerations of the structure of the sale, identifying and locating the right types of buyers, negotiating the terms of the sale, due diligence, and closing. Hiring an experienced business broker can make all the differen

What is my San Diego Business Worth Post-COVID?

What is my San Diego Business Worth Post-COVID?

2020 is behind us, and this new year has brought some good news amidst the lingering uncertainty. With that comes the inevitable feeling of hope, and perhaps even excitement. Did you have plans this time last year before lockdowns began? Were those plans put on hold for the last 12 months? Believe it or not, you are not alone. As a small business owner in northern San Diego, we understand you felt

Forget 2020? Steps to Consider When Presenting a Bad Year to Buyers

Forget 2020? Steps to Consider When Presenting a Bad Year to Buyers

Can you believe 2020 is finally behind us? The year that simultaneously flew by but would somehow never end? With 2021 here, there is a greater sense of hope and excitement. Even though COVID-19 cases fluctuate up and down all over the country, there is a vaccine, some new plans, and some positive projections in San Diego and around the country. That said, the effects of 2020 are still looming. A